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How To Get Rid of Cradle Cap in Newborns

What is Cradle Cap, and how does it affect your baby?

Cradle caps are white or yellow scales on a baby’s head that crust over. Excessive oil production by skin glands around hair follicles can cause cradle caps.

This condition is quite prevalent, and it usually manifests itself within the first three months of life.



The mother’s hormones are most likely to blame for the cradle cap. These hormones cross the placenta before the baby is born. Hormones stimulate the oil glands in the skin, causing them to overwork. They then create substantially more oil than usual.

Overactive sebaceous glands may create too much sebum, preventing old skin cells from drying and dropping off the scalp. They tend to cling to the scalp instead.

According to studies, babies with cradle caps frequently have a family member who suffers from illnesses such as eczema or asthma.



1. Patches of the scalp that are yellow and greasy

2. Dandruff-like flakes of skin on the scalp

3. Crusty yellow areas on the scalp

4. Areas of the scalp that are like scales

5. The affected area may go red.

The cradle cap typically starts on the baby’s scalp and can spread to the area behind the ears. It may also appear in patches on the nose, groin, armpits, and body. When it appears on the body, it’s not known as cradle cap but as a skin condition, seborrhoeic eczema.



1. Using cradle cap shampoo (Dentinox). Shampoo should not be allowed to get into the eyes.

2. If the scales do not come off easily, apply coconut oil to your baby’s scalp. Allow it to soak into the scales for a few minutes, or even hours, if necessary. Then, comb your baby’s hair with a thin comb and shampoo it as usual. If you leave the oil in your baby’s hair, it may aggravate the cradle cap.

3. Avoid the use of heavy oils on baby hair till it clears up

4. Use over-the-counter corticosteroid or antifungal creams only after consulting with your baby’s doctor, as some of these medicines can be hazardous when absorbed through the skin.

5. Once the scales have been removed, wash your baby’s hair with a light shampoo every two to three days to avoid scale buildup.

I hope you find this information useful, Mom.

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