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How Can You Tell If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Milk?

It’s possible you’re worried that your baby isn’t getting enough milk from breastfeeding. Unlike a bottle, the breast is not transparent so you cannot determine how much your baby has consumed. Nevertheless, there are ways to monitor his or her intake. Here are four ways to determine this:


1. He’s swallowing:

When your baby first latches onto your breast, he will suck rapidly, which helps release the milk. Then he should progress into a deep, slow pulling motion as he swallows. You’ll see his jaw drop down and hear his gulp sound. If your baby isn’t getting enough milk, you may see him sucking rapidly but not swallowing slowly and rhythmically, take long pauses or repeatedly fall asleep while nursing.

2. He’s satisfied:

If your baby seems content and well-fed after feeding sessions, all is likely going well, But a baby who appears overly lethargic or, conversely, who is constantly screaming for food may not be getting enough milk. “If a baby has many feedings that last longer than an hour or wants to nurse very often, with less than an hour between feedings, there may be a problem. This is different from cluster feeding.


3. He fills his diapers:

Most breastfed babies wet 6 to 10 – and soil at least three diapers per day in the first month. Stool colour is also important: While the first bowel movements are typically black and sticky, they should be green by day three or four and yellow by day four or five.

4. He’s gaining weight:

It’s normal for this to fluctuate in the first days of life. A newborn may lose about 5-7 per cent of weight by his third or fourth day and be perfectly fine, but if he has a weight loss of 10 per cent or more, there could be a problem, but by day 10, your baby should rebound to his birth weight.

You can boost your breast milk with our Lacta8 Lactation Cookies. It is yummy and works pretty fast. You just have to be ready to pump and store your milk because you’ll be making a lot of it. Go to our store to place an order.


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