This course will teach you, STEP BY STEP, how to prepare baby food directly in your own home using local natural products for the highest nutritional content.

Exclusively Breastfed Babies Don't Eat. That's What We Hear All The Time

Every parent is delighted when their baby becomes 6 months old, but they are also anxious about what foods they should give to them immediately.

The Search For The Best Type of Food Has Limited A Lot of Parents To Only Cereals Which Cost A Lot of Money

What if I showed you how to prepare your baby's food at home using a variety of family recipes that your baby would enjoy and also save you a lot of money?

Join The Class.
Be Well Prepared

A note from BN, your baby food course guide and the nicest instructor you ever did meet…

One of our most fundamental duties as a parent is to feed our children. It seems simple but you may run into problems with your child’s eating habits if he or she is really picky.

Feeding might be frustrating for a baby who has a limited food selection. As a result, many parents physically force or scare their children into eating different foods.

As a mother, I understand how frustrating it is when your baby refuses to eat the meal you’ve prepared. You may feel tempted to smack him or her out of frustration as you watch your baby lose weight.

This is all the more reason for you to enroll in our class and let’s make feeding time with your baby fun.

I’ve taught over 1000 women how to make their babies’ foods in their own kitchens using natural ingredients without breaking the bank. Consider how much money you might save simply by learning to do this yourself.

So I’m hoping you’ll join me, put in the work, and be amazed at how much you’ll learn after you sign up.

I hope to see you in class!



Give Your Child
The Best Start In Life


Frequently Asked Questions

This class is for any parent who:

  • Wishes to expose her baby to family food as soon as he or she reaches the age of six months.
  • Wants to spend less money on packaged foods
  • Wants to expose his or her baby to various food options
  • Are unsure about what to feed their baby
  • Have picky babies and are out of options
  • The course consists of ten lessons.
  • There are numerous recipe videos, each lasting two minutes.
  • The courses are brief and to the point, so there will be less data consumption.

You will learn

  • Practical cookery skills and confidence
  • Simple, nutritious, fun dishes for your baby inspired by local and easily sourced foods
  • Foods to avoid while transiting to solids
  • About your baby’s changing nutritional needs.
  • BONUS: Free meal plan that you can use for your child.

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